Son. Husband. Father. Strategist. Scribe.
Growing up with the name Joshua seems to have guaranteed me for conflict throughout my life. I didn’t understand why I endured so much mentally as I grew up, but as I got older I learned about my name.
Joshua in the Old Testament of the Bible was a leader of the Children of Israel, but even more he was a military general. He was able to lead that nation into obtaining what God had promised them for His Glory. The Sandefur family line has been made up of warriors who have fought in countless (real) battles. The motto on the family crest “Nec Temere Nec Timide” means “Neither Rashly Nor Timidly”. The idea is being wise and courageous.
I realize now that God has used much of what I have gone through (and am going through) to help others find victory through walking out life and fighting with Jesus Christ and His body. This is an essential part of my purpose. Even though I am married with children, enjoy putting together social media marketing plans and writing speculative fiction and poetry; all that is found within the journey of an epic life found in Christ!